Ways To Stop Emotional Eating

If you are an emotional eater, food is more than “just food” for you. It’s a way of healing yourself, battling the negative feelings, or basking in the happy moments of your life. A pint of ice cream or a jaw-breaking burger is more comforting than a cozy bed. Unfortunately, emotional eating is linked to obesity. And, as you know, obesity leads to a host of diseases and poor mental health .
              . Here are best ways on how to stop emotional eating. Swipe up!

1. Allow Yourself To Feel

Stressful situations can lead you to block your true feelings by allowing yourself to eat comfort food. If you want to stop eating emotionally, you have to start by acknowledging your feelings. Sad, heartbroken, broken, anxious – whatever it is, allow yourself to feel the emotion. This way, over a period, you will be able to deal better with your emotions and the problem at hand instead of relying on food to feel better.

2. Accept Yourself

Accepting yourself, however you are, will eliminate most of your problems. The more you deny yourself, the more agitated you will feel. This, in turn, leads to high levels of stress and depression. And when you are feeling low or anxious, you will turn to food to feel better and block your feelings. So, the second step is, be honest with yourself, and be ok being a little different from the others. It is more stressful to pretend to be someone else than being truly yourself. Deep, but true

3.Write Down Your Meal Plan

The next thing you need to do is plan the next day’s meal. Any plan or goal will remain a wish unless you write it down. Once you write it down, it is ingrained in your brain, and you are more likely to follow the plan. Yes, this may take a few days to get accustomed to, but you will start following the meal plan for sure. 

4.Drink Water

Sometimes, when you are thirsty, you actually start feeling hungry. But the reality is, you are just thirsty. So, the next time when you feel hungry at an odd time, take a few gulps of water. It will help quench your thirst, and you will not consume excess food.

5.Be Prepared For Your Cravings

Since you have the habit of consuming food at odd times, initially, it will be difficult for you to ignore your cravings totally. So, be prepared for it. Keep baby carrots, cucumber, in-shell pistachios, green tea, black coffee, yogurt dip, hummus, baby spinach, 80% or more dark chocolate, berries, quinoa, and unsalted popcorn in your kitchen or fridge. Fix a yummy snack when you crave for anything salty or sweet. But remember, do not go overboard with any of these because even healthy food in excess can cause weight gain.

6.Eat Slowly

Chew your food properly. Use a small plate and spoon, enjoy the flavors, and eat your food slowly. When you eat slowly, you will feel satiated sooner, consume fewer calories, gulp less air (yes!), and not feel hungry right after a big meal.

7.Exercise Regularly

Exercising is very important when you are dealing with emotional eating and obesity. It helps you utilize the stored fat or excess calories as usable energy. Exercising also helps detoxify your body and releases “feel good” hormones. As a result, you will lose weight and not depend on food to feel better.

8.Switch Off The TV/Laptop
Pay attention to your food when you have a meal. Switch off all electronic gadgets and look at your food and eat. This way, you will know how much you are eating, what you are eating, and enjoy the food as well. If you are less distracted while eating, you will be less likely to indulge in another high-calorie meal.

9. Get Good Rest
Getting good rest will help you get rid of negative emotions. If you are worked up and worried about something, sleeping on it is the best remedy. 

10.Enjoy A Cheat Meal Day

Once you begin making better lifestyle choices, you can indulge in a cheat day every week. 


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