High Protein Foods You Should Include In Your Diet

What Is Protein?

Simply put, protein is a macronutrient required for building muscle mass. Chemically, protein is composed of amino acids.
When protein is broken down in the body, it fuels the muscle mass and contributes to metabolism. It also enhances immunity.

High Protein Foods List

# High Protein Dairy And Eggs

1. Peanut Butter

How To Include In Your Diet
Did you know that most fruits taste delicious with peanut butter? Yes – add a helping of peanut butter to the bowl of fruit that you have every evening. And if you don’t have a bowl of fruit every evening, start doing so. It’s healthy.

2. Swiss Cheese

How To Include In Your Diet
You can simply add a slice of Swiss cheese to your bowl of soup or a sandwich.

3. Cottage Cheese

How To Include In Your Diet
You can relish cottage cheese in so many ways. Add it to your toast. Or to your fruit or vegetable salad. You can even enjoy it on its own.

4. Egg Whites

How To Include In Your Diet
You can make egg whites a part of your salad.

5. Tofu

How To Include In Your Diet
The best thing about tofu is it takes on the flavor of the foods you cook it with. So, you can replace beef or chicken with tofu in a stir-fry.

6. Greek Yogurt

How To Include In Your Diet
Simply have Greek yogurt at the end of your meal.

7. Soy Milk

How To Include In Your Diet
Add soy milk to your breakfast cereal.

#High Protein Meats

These best protein sources pack a major protein punch.

8.Chicken Breast

How To Include In Your Diet
You can divide your plate evenly between whole grains, fruit, vegetables, and chicken breast – for your evening meal.

High Protein Seafood

Below is a list of high in protein foods that falls under seafood category.

9. Halibut

How To Include In Your Diet
Enjoy the fish baked or grilled and not fried. You can go for low-salt and low-fat seasonings like lemon, herbs, and spices.

10. Sardines

How To Include In Your Diet
Simply add chopped sardines to your salad.

11. Pacific Cod Fish

How To Include In Your Diet
Cook cod right on top of fresh green beans along with a flavorful sauce for a delicious treat.

12.Yellowfin Tuna (Or Light Tuna

How To Include In Your Diet
Using your skillet, you can prepare grilled fish. It will taste delicious.

13. Alaskan Salmon

How To Include In Your Diet
Add smoked salmon to your pasta along with cream.

High Protein Seeds And Nuts

Check out here the best sources of protein in seeds and nuts category, that you will surely want to add into your diet.

14. Pistachios

How To Include In Your Diet
Add pistachios as toppings to your yogurt or salad. Simple.

15. Quinoa

How To Include In Your Diet
Boil raw quinoa seeds with a dash of salt and have them as an evening snack.


How To Include In Your Diet
Almonds can be added to salads and other dishes for extra flavor. You can add them to your favorite smoothie as well.

17.. Walnuts

How To Include In Your Diet
Top your salads or yogurt with walnuts.

18. Pumpkin Seeds

How To Include In Your Diet
You can eat the seeds on their own. Or you can use them as a topping for your salad.

19.. Pecans

How To Include In Your Diet
You can simply have roasted pecans as an evening snack.

20. Hemp Seeds

How To Include In Your Diet
You can have a handful of the shelled seeds, toasted or as they are, as a nutritious evening snack.

21. Cashews

How To Include In Your Diet
You can add a handful of cashews to your evening smoothie and enjoy the tasteful delight.

22.Chia Seeds

How To Include In Your Diet
Adding chia seeds to your smoothie is one of the best ways to consume them.

# High Protein Grains And Legumes

Here are top foods rich in protein in the grains and legumes section.

23. Soybeans

How To Include In Your Diet
One simple way is to go for soymilk, which you can easily find on supermarket shelves. You can even add soy cream to your morning tea or coffee. Or best, you can simply replace in your bread or muffin recipes with soy yogurt.

24. Lentils

How To Include In Your Diet
You can add lentils to any kind of soup for added fiber and nutrients.

25. Kidney Beans

How To Include In Your Diet
You can combine the beans with your soups or salads.

26. Wheat Germ

How To Include In Your Diet
A dose of wheat germ in your yogurt or smoothie can do the trick.

27.. Oats

How To Include In Your Diet
You can thicken your smoothie with a spoonful of oats. Or better, mix oats, yogurt, grated apple, and a pinch of cinnamon – leave them overnight in the fridge, and the next morning, you can have a super powerful breakfast.
28. Barley
How To Include In Your Diet
You can simply consume whole grain bread that contains barley. Or cook it to make hot cereal. Barley can also be added to stuffings and enjoyed.

29. Chickpeas

How To Include In Your Diet
You can add chickpeas to your salad.

30.Green Peas

How To Include In Your Diet
Simply add raw peas to your salad.

31. Brussels Sprouts

How To Include In Your Diet
You can slice the sprouts thin and mix them raw with salad greens.

High Protein Fruits And Vegetables

Below is a list of foods with the highest protein rich fruits and vegetables.

32. Broccoli

How To Include In Your Diet
You can simply add half a cup of broccoli to your daily meal. You can also consume raw broccoli salads.

33. Asparagus

How To Include In Your Diet
An advantage with asparagus is you may not have to season it – it has a distinct flavor. One easy way to use this vegetable is steaming it or using it raw in a yogurt dip.

34. Sweet Corn

How To Include In Your Diet
Sweet corn can make an awesome addition to soups. You can also add it to your salads and casseroles.

35. Cauliflower

How To Include In Your Diet
A unique way to include cauliflowers in your diet is by mashing them, just like potatoes. And then add garlic and cheese to the dish – you won’t leave it.


How To Include In Your Diet
Diced apricots could be a great addition to your evening salad.

37. Tangerine

How To Include In Your Diet
You can consume tangerines as a healthy evening snack. Or slice them and add to a salad and relish.


How To Include In Your Diet
Do not throw away the shell after drinking the water as the soft pulp of the tender coconut is equally rich in proteins. The pulp tastes extremely delicious. You can either have it raw or add it to salads. Coconut milk is also rich in proteins and healthy fats.

39. Banana

How To Include In Your Diet
You can add chopped bananas to your breakfast porridge. Smoothies or milkshakes of the fruit are equally delicious and healthful.

40. Avocados

How To Include In Your Diet
You can replace butter with avocado on your morning toast. Or, if you are having chicken or egg salad, you can use this fruit in the place of mayonnaise.


How To Include In Your Diet
You can eat the fruit or prepare its juice. Or add the fruit to a salad and enjoy.
Other fruits like pomegranates, grapefruit, and passion fruit contain about 2 to 5 grams of protein per cup.

Alternatives?Yes – that’s where we are heading.

Whey Protein Supplements

There are two proteins found in milk. One of them is casein. And the other is whey. When you add a coagulant to whey, the curds and whey separate. The resultant whey protein is the water-soluble part of milk, and it is widely considered to be the best protein source.

Are You Getting Enough Protein?

Because if you are not, it is bad news. Following are the signs of protein deficiency – you are not getting enough protein if
 ðŸ‘‰You often feel anxious and moody. 
👉Your workouts are not great.
👉You are unable to sleep well.
👉You have high cholesterol despite following a proper diet
👉Your menstrual cycle is irregular. 
👉You feel fatigued often.

Daily Recommended Dosage Of Protein

Daily Recommended Dosage Of Protein

Age GroupRequired Amount Of Protein
Babies10 grams
School-age kids19-34 grams

Teenage boys and girls52 grams and 46 grams, respectively
Adult men and women56 grams and 46 grams, respectively

Babies10 grams
School-age kids19-34 grams

Teenage boys and girls52 grams and 46 grams, respectively
Adult men and women56 grams and 46 grams, respectively


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