Beauty with Ice Cubes

Ice cubes come as a life saver for us in this terribly hot weather. Two or three ice cubes in our regular juice or syrup or even in water seems to quench our lifetime thirst when we return back home after a hard day at office or even a tiring day shopping. We all know that this is not good for us, but we still do it. Although ice cubes may have a bad effect on the throat but on our skin, it has commendable benefits. Let’s read to find out more on the benefits of ice cubes on face.

Beauty Tips With Ice Cubes For Face

  • Ice cubes are an instant way to give your face a dewy and fresh look without applying makeup. If you are in a hurry, and don’t have time for makeup, just rub one or two ice cubes on your face and you are good to go.
  • Rubbing ice cubes on the face daily improves blood circulation giving your face a healthy glow. It is believed that ice cubes prevent wrinkles and premature aging too.
  • Ice cubes reduces large sized pores. Besides this, it also minimizes the production of excess oil. Tie up two cubes in a soft cloth and massage on your face till it melts.
  • Sunburn in this heat is not something uncommon. For a cooling effect, just wrap ice cubes in a cloth and rub on the sunburn affected areas .Gives an instant relief.
  • Ice cubes work on acne too. Instead on pricking and piercing your blackheads and whiteheads, simply place an ice cube over you acne. Notice the considerable reduction in swelling and redness.

  • How to last your makeup? Simple, rub ice cubes on your face before applying makeup.
  • Summer heat dehydrates you skin, specially your face. Whenever you feel uncomfortable and stretches, grab some ice cubes and rub on your face. Enjoy the cooling effect.
  • Dark circles are a nuisance in the life of modern women. With hours spending before the laptop and late night parties, we often wake up with ugly black patches all over our lower eyelids. Instead of placing normal cucumber slices over your eyes, try out this tip. Mix cucumber juice with the boiled rose water and freeze this mixture to keep on your under-eye circles. It will help in fading away dark circles and also reduce puffiness. Don’t forget to cool down the rose water before putting it in freezer.

Tips to Remember:

When using ice cubes, don’t use more than two. Excessive use may lead to skin problems that can worsen your situation.

Using ice cubes on face directly can cause the delicate capillary under the skin to break. So it is advisable to use ice cubes wrapped in a clean cloth.


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