Indian Diet Chart For Weight Loss And 10 Simple Rules

Love eating Indian food? I love it too. Undoubtedly, it is delicious and rich. But do you know most Indian foods can lead to weight gain if not eaten in moderation?
A Few Popular Indian Diet Plans To Lose Weight

1. Indian Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian diets are an excellent way to lose weight. That’s because, veggies contain good carbs, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and proteins. These nutrients prevent absorption of fat, improves bowel movement, strengthens bones, helps shed fat and build muscle mass, boosts brain function, energize the body, and keep all the diseases away. 

Foods To Avoid In Indian Vegetarian Diet

  • Carbonated beverages
  • Packaged fruit or vegetable juices
  • Lard, dalda, butter, vegetable oil
  • Namkeen, bhujia (homemade or not)
  • Sweets, milk chocolate,
  • Too many chapatis, and too much rice
  • Consume paneer in moderation

Limitations Of Indian Vegetarian Diet

Pulses, tofu, soy, beans, milk, mushroom, and paneer do not provide the body with enough protein or complete essential amino acids. Moreover, vegetarians also fall in the same obesity spectrum as the meat eaters. 

2. Paleo Diet

Paleo diet is also a great option when it comes to losing weight. The theory behind Paleo diet is “eat like a caveman to shed pounds.” The high-protein and high-fiber diet allow you to lose weight without cutting on calories. Paleo or Stone Age Diet also helps to keep diabetes, coronary disease, and cancer at bay. You must have lean meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. You can also include legumes, nuts, seeds, and peanuts.

Foods To Avoid

  • All processed foods
  • Refined oils like canola
  • Refined sugar
  • Potatoes
  • Dairy
  • Salt

Limitations Of The Paleo Diet

It is tough for vegetarians to follow this diet as the emphasis is on lean meat. Also, dairy products are absent from the Paleo diet, so you miss out on essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

10 Rules Of Indian Diet Chart For Weight Loss

1. Increase The Consumption Of Fruits And Vegetables

You should eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables each day. Fruits are extremely beneficial when consumed on an empty stomach. Therefore, starting your day with fruits is a healthy option. Do not have fruits immediately after any meal.

2. Limit The Intake Of Stimulants
Restrict the intake of stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol, and refined sugar. Caffeine is harmfulwhen taken on an empty stomach.

3. Do Not Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In fact, it is recommended to have something for breakfast that generates energy slowly, such as a bowl of porridge or a cup of low-fat yogurt (dahi).

4. Drink Plenty Of Water

Water aids digestion and also acts as a detoxifying agent. Hence, it is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Moreover, drinking plenty of water not only flushes out toxins but also keeps your skin glowing with health.

5. Have Smaller Gaps Between The Meals

Avoid long gaps between your meals because the food you eat gets converted into fat instead of being used for energy. It is not recommended to have a gap of more than three hours in between your meals.
6. Do Not Starve
Allowing your body to starve is not a healthy option as it has its adverse effects. Eat well to fulfill your nutritional needs.

7. Have Your Last Meal Early

You should have the last meal at least two hours before going to bed.

8. Restrict Your Calorie Intake

Keeping a watch on your caloric intake is extremely crucial in any diet plan. Calorie-dense foods like fried food, sweets, and pastries should be avoided.

9. Remove Fat From Your Food

All visible fat should be removed from food before cooking. Processed meat like sausages and burgers should be avoided as they contain high calories.
10. Eat Healthy Snacks
Replace the processed or fried foods with healthy snacks such as fresh or dried fruits, low-fat yogurt, whole grain cereals and rice cakes.


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