
Showing posts from June, 2018
10 Dangers Of Drinking Too Much Water – How To Treat And Prevent Water Intoxication Water is essential for your life and well-being . But drinking too much of it (overhydration) can lead to water intoxication. And this can lead to hyponatremia, impaired brain function, and sometimes death. Since about 50% of adults are dehydrated, doctors and dietitians ask us to keep ourselves hydrated. But this is often misconstrued, and people end up drinking more water than their body actually needs. So, how much water should you drink? What are the symptoms of water intoxication and can it be reversed? Give this post a read and find out if you are drinking too much water and the dangers it can cause.                             SWIPE UP ! SIGNS That You Are Drinking Too Much Water 1. You Always Have A Bottle Of Water With You Do you always carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go? And then quickly refill it as soon as the water in the bottle is over? You might think that const